
WikiLeaks nytimes


Updated: Dec. 1, 2010
Once-fringe Web site WikiLeaks, which aims to bring to light secret information about governments and corporations, was founded three years ago by Julian Assange, an Australian activist and journalist, along with a group of like-minded activists and computer experts.
Since then, WikiLeaks has published tens of thousands of classified military field reports about the Iraq and Afghan wars; a mass of some 250,000 diplomatic cables from the State Department in Washington including communications concerning American policy in Iran, Pakistan, Korea and many other places; documents about toxic dumping in Africa, protocols from Guantánamo Bay, e-mail messages from Sarah Palin’s personal account and 9/11 pager messages.
WikiLeaks’ critics range from the military, which says it jeopardizes operations, to some open government advocates who say the organization is endangering the privacy rights of others in favor of self promotion.
The Army has charged Pfc. Bradley Manning with disclosing a classified video of an American helicopter attack to WikiLeaks, as well as more than 150,000 classified diplomatic cables. The private is also the main suspect in the disclosure to WikiLeaks of more than 90,000 classified documents about the Afghan war.
WikiLeaks Archive — Cables Uncloak U.S. Diplomacy
WikiLeaks Archive — Cables Uncloak U.S. Diplomacy
A cache of diplomatic cables provide a chronicle of the United States’ relations with the world.
The War Logs
An archive of classified military documents offers an unvarnished view of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


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What Good Are Diplomats?
Why is the U.S. paying the salaries of diplomats when they are just reiterating what they read in the newspapers?
December 7, 2010
    Gates Calls Assange Arrest ‘Good News’
    The defense secretary, speaking in Afghanistan on Monday, applauded the arrest of the founder of WikiLeaks.
    December 7, 2010
      Leaked Cable Lists Sensitive Sites
      A State Department cable released by WikiLeaks provides a compendium of sites around the world that, if lost, might “critically impact” the United States.
      December 6, 2010
        WikiLeaks Archive - U.S. Strains to Stop Arms Flow
        Officials say they have been frustrated trying to block Syria, Iran and North Korea from selling to militants.
        December 6, 2010
          WikiLeaks Archive — Julian Assange Issues Warning
          Julian Assange said that he would release all 251,287 cables if legal action were taken against him.
          December 6, 2010
            WikiLeaks Archive - Baltic States Lobby NATO
            Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania wanted a defense plan, which required much reassurance for Russia.
            December 6, 2010
              WikiLeaks Archive - Daily Roundup of Jittery World
              For a select, high-security audience in a suspicious world, The Diplomatic Security Daily can’t be beat for its coverage of rumors and threats.
              December 6, 2010
                WikiLeaks Archive - French Plans for Ship Upset U.S.
                The French want to sell a Mistral — a ship that carries helicopters and can conduct amphibious assaults — to Russia, despite American objections.
                December 6, 2010
                  WikiLeaks Archive - Arab States and Terror Funds
                  American officials say that millions of dollars are going to extremist groups and that some Middle East allies are not helping to stop it.
                  December 5, 2010
                    WikiLeaks Mirror Sites Appear by the Hundreds
                    The United States urged Switzerland not to provide safe haven for the site’s founder, who was accepting donations to a bank account there.
                    December 5, 2010
                      Good Gossip, and No Harm Done to U.S.
                      Rather than exposing ineptitude, a reading of the WikiLeaks documents suggests that they actually reflect well on U.S. policy and diplomacy, with most of the cables reflecting professionalism.
                      December 5, 2010
                        WikiLeaks, Facebook and the Perils of Oversharing
                        The debate over privacy rights online takes a turn from the personal to the government.
                        December 5, 2010
                          WikiLeaks Archive - Meddling Neighbors Torment Iraq
                          Interference threatens to aggravate Iraq’s sectarian divisions and undercut efforts by Iraqi leaders to overcome rivalries and build a stable government.
                          December 5, 2010
                            WikiLeaks Archive - Europe Wary of U.S. Bank Monitors
                            When Europeans halted a program used to monitor international banking transactions, the United States had to scramble to regain support for it.
                            December 5, 2010
                              WikiLeaks Archive - Clinton Praises Diplomats’ Work
                              After five days of headlines, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sought to highlight the hard work of American diplomats.
                              December 4, 2010

